New Feature from Google: Google Themes

i have to say, i really like the new themes that Google added to their personlized homepage/startpages… actually, i’m kinda shocked, since it just seems so “un-google”… if you know what i mean.


one of the guys here said that it’ll actually change the image based on your zip code/weather… so if it’s sunny outside where you live, you should see a “sunny” pic… if you hit it at midnight, then you should see a “night” version, etc… havent seen or tested it, but it does sound pretty slick.

p.s. i wonder if you have the Google Desktop installed, will it monitor your keystrokes and surfing habits to dynamically generate related images for your google startpage? if so, i wonder what kind of image it would generate for me when i’m surfing around on Maxim and other…. ummm…. sites. *ahem*

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